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This site was developed for FILORGA

Design and production

Publishing company:

2-4 rue de Lisbonne
75008 Paris



9, rue Campagne Première

75014 Paris, France


This website is edited by LABORATORIES FILORGA COSMÉTIQUES. a company with a capital of EUR 4.950.470, whose registered office is located at 2 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris, France, registered with the Companies Register of Paris under number 811 668 003 (hereinafter referred to as “FILORGA”).

The intra-community VAT identification number of FILORGA is FR23 811 668 003.

The publication director is Monsieur Bertrand Frohly.

The editorial staff is Filorga marketing department.

“All those who browse one or more pages of this website (hereafter referred to as Users) undertake to comply with its Terms and Conditions of Use (hereafter referred to as the TCU), as set forth herebelow.”

Terms and Conditions of website use

The TCU applicable to a User shall be those published online at the time when they access the website.

FILORGA reserves the right to amend these TCU at any time, and publish the updated version on the website. All amendments shall become effective as soon as they go live, and shall apply to all Users as of that moment.

FILORGA shall make every possible effort to keep the content of its website up-to-date. All product offerings promoted by FILORGA on the website shall remain valid for as long as the products are presented on the website, while stocks last.

FILORGA cannot guarantee accurate or exhaustive information about the product presented on the website. It recommends that Users refer to the specific product characteristics listed in each product description. Users may email FILORGA directly at if they have any further questions or require any additional information.

In the event of any obvious error in the price and/or characteristics of a product and its representation, the User undertakes to report the error to FILORGA by email, at

Notwithstanding Acts of God and other events that fall outside FILORGA’s direct control, the website should be available 24/7. However, website availability may temporarily be reduced or interrupted, in whole or in part, without prior notice and without any compensation being due to Users, notably for maintenance operations or upgrades implemented to optimise ongoing website performance. FILORGA makes no undertaking as regards the performance of this website, and may not be held liable for any shortcomings in this respect.

These TCU shall be subject to the Law of France.

Intellectual property

FILORGA holds all intellectual property and/or royalty rights, including copyright protection for all content, brands, database content and all other constituent parts of the website. The website, and all the software applications, database structures, text, information, analyses, images, photographs, charts, logos, sounds, brands and all other data that constitute the website, shall remain the exclusive property of FILORGA or, if applicable, of their respective owners, with whom FILORGA has concluded a licensing agreement.

FILORGA accords Users a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable right to use the website and all the original intellectual works and data contained therein. This right shall be accorded for private purposes only. No User may use the website in any other way, notably for commercial reasons, without explicit, written authorisation from FILORGA; any unauthorised use shall be subject to legal sanctions. Requests for such written authorisation may be submitted by email to the following address:

Users undertake not to, inter alia, reproduce and/or represent (other than for private use), download, sell, distribute, diffuse, translate, adapt, use, publish or communicate any or all of the original intellectual works or data published on this website, for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, in any form whatsoever.

Personal data

FILORGA makes it a priority to protect all personal data collected, and wishes to ensure all website Users that their private life shall be protected. The following paragraphs are intended to inform Users as to how their personal data, i.e. all data that may be used to identify them, whether directly or indirectly, are processed; Users are also informed of their rights as regards these processing operations.

FILORGA may be required to collect and process personal data, the use of which is subject to the provisions set forth in France’s Law No.78-17 dated 6 January 1978 pertaining to data protection rights and amended by Law No. 2004-801 dated 6 August 2004.

With a view to enhancing User satisfaction, FILORGA may share certain information with the service providers referred to as Sub-Contractors in the aforementioned Law (e.g. those delivering IT or customer services). In no other circumstances may personal data be shared with any third party without prior authorisation from the Users concerned.

Users are hereby informed that they have the right to access and correct all data pertaining to themselves. If they have legitimate reason to do so, they are also entitled to oppose any processing of their data. Users may exercise this right by writing to the following address:

FILORGA has duly declared all the personal data processing operations conducted through this website to France’s National Commission for IT and civil liberties (CNIL), under the number 1600906.


FILORGA uses cookies to optimise website browsing and offer Users customised content.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the User’s hard disk. It enables FILORGA’s system to remember individual Users’ computers when they connect to the website. The cookies used by FILORGA do not contain any personal data; they contain an anonymous identification number and information relating to the computer’s browsing history on the website (pages visited, visit date and time, etc.), which FILORGA may then read during subsequent visits.

FILORGA uses cookies to optimise the User experience of the website and any associated services. In particular, FILORGA uses cookies for the following specific purposes:

– To customise website content for individual Users, by memorising their preferences;

– To track the traffic volumes and use of the various features of the website;

– To enhance the website using information provided by audience measurement services; the cookies used for this purpose enable an overall, anonymous analysis of User behaviour; all information relating to website use by individual Users is rendered anonymous (abbreviated IP address) before it is made available to these services.

User behaviour data are collected in order to compile statistical reports on website activity, which are then used to orient FILORGA’s decision-making when enhancing the website. As such, the website does not associate a User IP address with any information that may be used to identify a User.

Users are hereby informed that they may, at any time, withdraw their decision to accept the cookies generated by the website or any third party websites; this decision may concern all cookies, or only those that serve certain purposes.

Users may block cookies in the following ways:


– Using Mozilla Firefox:

– Using Microsoft Internet Explorer:

– Using Opera:

– Using Chrome:


Users may also use the aforementioned links to deactivate cookies on the websites of the company that generates them.

Furthermore, Users may unsubscribe from (i) publicity networks by clicking on the following link: and from (ii) behaviour-related advertising by clicking on the following link:

Lastly, Users may read the CNIL’s advice by clicking on the following link (text in French):

Once a User has accepted FILORGA’s use of cookies, this consent shall remain valid for a period of 13 months from the date on which the cookies were deposited. After 13 months, FILORGA shall renew its request for User consent.

Hypertext links

The website may include hypertext links to third party websites and web-based resources. When inserting these links, FILORGA made every possible effort to ensure that the websites and resources concerned did not contain any information that contravened French Law. As a result, FILORGA may only be deemed liable for publishing links to these websites and resources if the page or resources concerned contained content that contravened French Law when the link was first published.

Prior written authorisation must be obtained from FILORGA before publishing any type of hypertext link to this website. All such requests must be emailed to the following address:

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